1 Chronicles 4:10
"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, 'Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.' And God granted his request."I know there is some controversy about this verse and its implications. But I wanted to share how it has impacted me this week...
I prayed it last week. At first it seems selfish - wanting to be blessed, wanting to be free from pain. But I got thinking that in essence, we absolutely need the blessing of God! In this cursed world of sin, disaster, and pain, God wants to offer us true life (John 10:10). To pray for his blessing isn't selfish. We are his children and we can approach him with confidence. Apart from him we can do nothing!
But the phrase that really caught me was "enlarge my territory." In my heart as I prayed it, I meant an increase in opportunities and influence. Someone was sharing with me the other day how they've been facing challenging situations lately, but God was revealing to them that it is exactly in those situations that they have a chance to grow. In fact the only option is to grow or to backslide. So I've been praying for God to stretch my faith, to grow me, and to enlarge my territory of influence so I can be a blessing to other people. And it's been incredible how he has answered! I think nearly every day this week I've had a random conversation, received a random email or Facebook message, or heard a random story that has driven me to prayer. All these situations have been out of the blue, and with people I haven't necessarily been in contact with for awhile or don't know very well. God is enlarging my territory! Now the challenge is that I am faithful with these opportunities. I want my Master to say to me, as in Matthew 25:21, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things."
One thing God is challenging me with this year is to go deeper in prayer. (And as was raised in one of my courses - not to have a better 'prayer life', but to have a life of prayer!) I heard a speaker a few days ago mention that interceding for others is one practical way we can 'lay down our lives for our friends' (John 15:13). Sure we're not dying in doing so, but it can be a sacrifice. But what a privilege we have to come before our awesome, majestic, powerful king and ask him to intervene in the lives of people we know who need him to! To speak blessing into their lives when it is likely that they are usually faced with doubt, fear, and lies.
In a sense it was one of those 'dangerous prayers' - because I wasn't sure how God would answer. But he is good, all the time. And I've been humbled and amazed at his graciousness - that when I make myself available, he opens my eyes to the good works he has prepared for me to do (Ephesians 2:10).
What are the opportunities God has placed in your life? Pray for him to use you and believe that he will...and see what happens.
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