We have all likely seen (or been) that parent who, in an attempt to get their fussy, distracted baby to eat something, tried sneakily coaxing their little one, ''Open up wide, the airplane's coming in for a landing!''
Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. Babies kinda have a mind of their own.
(cute kid!)
The thing is, for babies (and for all of us), it's difficult to receive anything when your mouth is closed.
I wish my 3-month old would catch onto that concept. Sometimes when he is hungry and frustrated, it is literally impossible to nurse him because although his mouth is open, he is crying too hard to suck. I feel bad, knowing that I have what he wants and what he needs is available to him, but he is too caught up in his own irritation to receive it.
Those of us who are parents know that there is a difference between a baby crying to communicate with us, and a cry of anger.
My child knows that I can satisfy his hunger, but he doesn't yet realize that I do it out of love and that he doesn't need to demand it from me. He gets impatient pretty quickly, which makes him unable to enjoy what he actually needs.
But can I really blame him? Don't I often do the same thing?
In Psalm 81:10 God extends an invitation: ''Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.'' He is the Giver of good gifts Who is ready to extend grace. Why do I feel like I need to force it from Him?
At times my mouth is wide open, but not to receive. Instead, my mouth is filled with complaining or self-pity. Instead of resting by my heavenly Father, trusting Him to provide me with what I need, I'm busy fighting for my ''rights'', thinking I somehow have to convince Him to give.
A baby who still nurses can be demanding. A weaned child, on the other hand, knows that they will receive what they need and is simply satisfied in being.
''But I have calmed and quieted myself,
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.''
I am like a weaned child with its mother;
like a weaned child I am content.''
Psalm 131:2
Would you say you are ''weaned'' - content, trusting, patient, delighting in His presence? Or do you find yourself striving, pleading with angry cries for what you want? Remember, we are welcome to approach God with confidence, ''so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need'' (Hebrews 4:16). He wants to give.
Today, friend, let's ''open up wide'', knowing that our Father ''knows what we need before we ask him'' (Matthew 6:8).
Praying you experience His provision in the way you need it today!
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