Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How do you see yourself?

Came across two pictures in the last few months that I found really cute, and meaningful:

"What do you see when you look in the mirror?"

Not sure I agree 100% with the caption of the bottom picture, since there is Someone Whose perspective is even more important than our own.

But still, I think these pictures convey a deep truth. I believe that when He looks at us, that Someone - our Creator, the Lover of our souls - sees us as a mighty Lion or a Dancer. He sees us for the potential that HE created us with, He sees our gifts and the destiny He's placed on our lives, not our limitations. He sees us strong in Him and not weak in our own flesh.

That's not to say He ignores sin; that's not the point. The point is that sin has been dealt with on the cross, and we're new creations! We are IN CHRIST, meaning we have His power, authority, wisdom, love, and everything that we need. Wow!

Sometimes we try to be "humble" or "spiritual" by looking at ourselves like we're "only" little cats or we focus on our disabilities. But, as I believe Rick Warren once said, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less."

Jesus, when He humbled Himself and washed the disciples' feet, setting an example that we should follow in humbly serving others, said, "You call me Teacher and Lord, and that is what I am." He didn't cease to be Himself when He took on the role of a servant. He didn't try to push it away, saying "Oh no, I'm only a man; no I'm nothing really, it's all about my Father." He knew perfectly well what His true identity was, but that didn't stop Him from doing what needed to be done.

What if we began to live in that kind of humility - not glorifying our weaknesses, but acknowledging the power of the cross in making us new, and accepting the GRACE of the Lord that enables us to do anything, including serve?

Friend...remember today that you are IN Christ. 
Be encouraged that your limitations are not hindrances to God.
Know that you have the Well of Living Water inside of you, meaning there is enough, always enough.

Take a moment to ask your Heavenly Father what He thinks of you. Do you see yourself the way He does?


  1. Thank you for this Kristyn... Words do exist on this world wide web that I can fully agree with! Blessings sister, I hope you and Mogi are well!

  2. Glad it spoke to you, Jessica! And thanks, we are doing very is busy, but we are so blessed! Hope you guys are adjusting well to your new home and trusting that the Lord is meeting all of your needs!


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