Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Gift that keeps on Giving

I learned an amusing new German phrase the other day. The 'Deutsch' love their complicated compound words, and this new expression I heard basically means, 'everything.'

When a product promises a lot or when you refer to someone as a 'jack of all trades', you call it an 'eierlegende-wollmilchsau.'

That's egg-laying-wool-milk-pig.

It's the perfect animal! Good for food, drink, clothing. 

In other words, impossible. 

The all-giving animal doesn't exist. And neither does the all-giving person. You need to know if you're made for milk or meat!

As a mom, it's easy to feel like I am in constant demand. Nursing, changing diapers, rocking to sleep, as well as cooking and cleaning and taking care of the hubby and, and, is rewarding but definitely tiring. Though everything might be expected of me, I cannot give everything. I need to set boundaries so that I have the strength (and sanity!) to give what I can. Sometimes that means letting my baby cry for 10 minutes so I can actually take a shower and get ready for the day. Sometimes it means saying no to an invitation and instead planning an evening off for my husband and I to spend together. Somtimes it means asking for help from others who can do what I can't.

There's a reason that chickens lay eggs and that cows produce milk. When you know who you are and what you're made for, it's easier to say no to things that distract you from your real calling. If you are secure in your identity, you're not tempted to be an 'eierlegende-wollmilchsau' for people, because you know that your worth isn't based on what you do.

As Christians, we often talk about being 'on fire' for Jesus. That's nice, but we have to be careful that we don't 'burn out' for Him! Saying no IS an option.

Sure, in the Bible Paul writes that he made himself a slave to everyone and became all things to all people (1 Corinthians 9), but by that he didn't mean that he gave to an extent where it was unhealthy. Instead, he simply wanted to reach people where they were at. He, like many of us, wore many hats. Paul understood what it was like to be in demand.

And yet this same Paul shares an amazing promise: ''God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work...You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion'' (2 Corinthians 9:8,11).

Blessed: ALL things ALL times
...having ALL you need

...for EVERY good work EVERY way
...on EVERY occasion

Sounds like a lot of grace to me!

We're not called to give everything, but we're called to give something. And God promises to enable us to do the giving.

We need to be able to say no, but also be confident in what we say yes to, knowing our Heavenly Father is able to equip us and help us do it with excellence. God's resources are rich, His mercies manifold, and His supply ceaseless.

Since being a Mama, I've learned something interesting about the way God designed us women. The more I nurse my baby, the more milk my body produces. Genius, isn't it? The more I give, the more I receive and am able to give. If I were to stop giving, the resources would dwindle.

I believe the spiritual principle of giving is the same. When we're generous, God enriches us. When we give (of our time, talents, resources), we also receive.

''A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.''
Proverbs 11:25

Giving of ourselves can be a hard thing to do. People require things from us physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually. But WE are the gift that can keep on giving, because we give out of overflow, not out of lack. We are blessed to be a blessing.

''Freely you have received; freely give.'' 
Matthew 10:8

Let's not try to do it all, but whether we're called to lay eggs or produce wool, let's do it with joy, giving freely.

 ''Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.''
Luke 6:38


  1. Nice post. Wow, you said some good things here.

  2. I really like your egg-laying-wool-milk-pig example. And the creature is kind of cute too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. I thought it was kind of cute as well :) Thanks for taking the time to read, Penny!


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