Thursday, April 3, 2014

Reality Check

It felt like 3 little bubbles gently bursting on the inside.

Unexpected, soft, yet very obvious.

My baby's first kicks.

What a miracle! We'd had 3 ultrasounds done and could see each time how our little one was moving about in my womb - lively, active, discovering his own tiny hands and feet and sucking reflexes. Then suddenly, at about 20 weeks, this whole other world could finally be felt on the outside! I don't think there are many more wonder-filled moments than that.

Despite knowing about Baby's existence for a few months now, it is still something quite different and extremely special to feel it. It helps make the 'inner reality' more, well, real!

There's another reality that I sometimes forget the truth of. I'm reminded of it though when I read verses from the Bible like Romans 8:1 or  2 Corinthians 5:17. And that is the fact that I, like a baby in a womb, am IN CHRIST. 

Even though I haven't even met our child yet, there is already so much love within me and a bond that can't be described. This baby hasn't done anything to 'deserve' my love; it simply is. And is it any different with God? He loves us and has saved us 'not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy' (Titus 3:5). Grace isn't something we earn, and our identity as God's sons and daughters isn't dependent on us proving ourselves. 

Me being IN Christ means that I am safe, secure, loved, and provided for. HE is my source of life.

Yet this amazing reality has another aspect to it...

 Not only am I in Christ; He lives IN ME! Colossians 1:27 talks about the rich mystery of 'Christ in us, the hope of glory.'

We talk about this all the time when we mention 'inviting Jesus into your heart.' While not quite a full picture of what the Gospel is all about, this is a central and fundamental aspect. Our old and sinful selves are done away with when we surrender our lives to the Lord, and we are renewed as Christ takes up residence in us through his Spirit.

Romans 8:11 expresses this powerful reality: 'The Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you...' The same Spirit, the same power, the same potential that Jesus had is IN ME! I can love, serve, make wise decisions, and move in power because of the Holy Spirit in me.

This reality isn't something weird or psychic, and I'm not saying that we, as believers, can 'become one with God.' God remains God, and we remain human. But that's exactly the miracle - we are transformed by His power and though we can't take any credit for it, He moves through us.

I've already had well-meaning strangers rub my belly, commenting on the life growing within me. I can't make the baby move, but I am a vessel through which the movements can be felt. In the same way, I am not the one who heals, encourages, or reveals, but these works of the Holy Spirit can be demonstrated through me and touch the lives of others (if I let them get close enough!)

It truly is a miracle. Knowing my identity in Christ allows me to rest and receive love, knowing all is grace. And being aware of His presence in me helps me live boldly, building His Kingdom here on earth, knowing all I have to do is obey, allowing Him to move through me. That is the hope of the world.

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