Well we're in the middle of packing up and getting ready to move! Our neighbors are leaving tomorrow for a trip to Germany and have offered to take some extra luggage for us, so we're getting two suitcases ready to send off with them. The house is looking emptier and as we begin to say goodbye to everybody the whole thing is starting to feel more real. Exciting but kind of bittersweet at the same time...
But I'm just about finished writing our first newsletter...if you'd like a copy, comment or email/facebook me and I'll get you one!
On another note, a question that Mogi and I have been pondering lately is: when do you feel the most spiritually alive? Our spiritual journeys have seasons to them, and there's times where we feel more alert, more passionate, more engaged, more...alive. What are those times for you?
I've been encouraged by my husband's thoughts on this. He says that for him, it's when he's living in reality. He lets God be God, and he is aware that he is just himself––"what is man that you are mindful of him?" It's the times of acknowledging that God is sovereign and in control instead of trying to figure everything out or make stuff happen ourselves. It's those times when we're keenly aware of our own shortcomings, and overwhelmed by the grace of God that sustains us each day. It's when we praise and thank God and choose to rejoice even when we don't understand.
It's those deep conversations with friends while drinking coffee when we share life and are honest with each other, reminding one another that God is God and God is good.
What are those times for you?
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