Tuesday, November 8, 2011

He does all things well...

{It was a relatively normal, sunny afternoon as a group of friends were out strolling. But suddenly they heard a commotion down by the water. Eager to find out what was going on, they ran toward the crowd, wanting to be part of the action. And what did they see? A celebrity! In their village! Who knew that he would be visiting them?

Giving a knowing glance to one another, they were ready with a plan. One in their group didn't understand what was going on, since he was deaf and could hardly speak. But his friends took him by the hand, and gently led him down the bank to the sea. They pushed their way through the crowd, their hearts burning inside of them as they got closer to the man they had heard so much about. Would today be the day?

As they inched closer, they noticed that the famous man was looking their way. He had noticed them! Suddenly he came walking in their direction, and when he reached them he took their deaf friend by the hand and led him aside, away from the crowd.

Jesus then put his fingers in the man's ears and, looking up to heaven and breathing a deep sigh, said to him, “Ephphatha!” which means, “Be opened!” At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly!

Jesus didn't want this man and his friends to tell everyone. But they couldn't hold it in! They celebrated with excitement, and soon the whole vicinity had heard about the miracle. All those who heard "were overwhelmed with amazement. 'He has done everything well,' they said. 'He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!' " (Mark 7:37) }

 Chris Tomlin wrote a song, "You Do All Things Well." The chorus goes,

"You made it all
Said, 'let there be'

And there was
All that we see
The sound of Your voice
The works of Your hands
You do all things well"

In my own life this past week I've been reminded that I serve a God who does all things well. I was at a seminar where I witnessed the Holy Spirit do an amazing work in the life of each person who was there. People were healed from physical sickness, they found freedom from their past by choosing to forgive those who had hurt them, they came to know God as a Loving Father, they were delivered from lies that they had been believing that had kept them bound, and they experienced the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of them––being their Counselor and Teacher. In my own life, God spoke very clearly and affirmed the calling he has placed on my life.

The sound of God's voice, the works of His hands...He does all things well! I saw a quote on Facebook yesterday by an evangelist named Reinhard Bonnke. It said, "I don’t play the piano to prove that I have fingers. Yes, of course, I have fingers, but I play the piano because I love music. Jesus doesn’t set the captives free and heal the sick to prove anything. HE DOES IT BECAUSE HE LOVES US."

What has Jesus done well in your life lately? I'm learning that as Christians we need to celebrate more (there will be another post on that coming soon). Let's start now! God is our Creator, our King, our Redeemer, our Father, our Healer, our Counselor, our Shepherd, our Leader, our Bridegroom. How has he demonstrated his love to you?

I've been loving the autumn season here in Germany and thought I'd share some pictures of how I've seen him do all things well in creation lately:

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