Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well I've been meaning to write ever since returning from our week at camp...

There is just so much to share, I'm not sure where to start! God definitely proved Himself, as I shared in the last post, to be STRONG and to be LOVING. Lives were completely changed! People were set free from depression and addictions, chose to forgive those who had hurt them in the past, and young men and women who came from difficult home and family backgrounds experienced a God who, as their Heavenly Father, loves them the way they are and is proud of them.

Powerful truths! Life-changing realities! Miracles.

Students were encouraged the whole week, and left affirmed in their gifts and calling and most of all, their identity as sons and daughters of God. They were taught to use the Word of God as a powerful weapon against the lies of our enemy that constantly face us. They experienced deep inner healing resulting in joy and peace, as well as physical healing, as they lifted up their eyes to Christ in worship. We were all reminded of the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit and his presence and power dwelling within us.

The Love of the Father, the Victory of Christ, the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit. 

What a great God we serve!

I wanted to share these things with you, my readers, as a testimony. Revelation 12:11 says we overcome the devil "by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony." When we testify to what God has done, we advance His kingdom and the enemy is rendered powerless.

God is a miracle-working God! And He displays His power still today. 

Psalm 77:13-14
"Your ways, O God, are holy.
    What god is so great as our God?  
 You are the God who performs miracles;
    you display your power among the peoples."

I also wanted to share one way God provided for me last week...
I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed, and it was literally without any problems! There was no swelling, and the same day I was able to eat and talk normally, and go to our small group that evening. Then the next day Mogi and I were involved in helping lead worship for an event, and I was able to sing. Praise God! I love reminders like this when God says, "Hey, I care about the small things in your life, too."  

I know we all walk through things that are not easy. We have doubts. Questions. Fears. Times where we just don't get it, or wonder where God is and if He really knows what He's doing!

But I want to write this as a reminder...OUR GOD IS ABLE! 

God has been speaking to me through the story in 1 Samuel 1-2 as Hannah wept and poured out her heart before the Lord. God answered her prayer, and she responded in worship through song: "For the Lord is a God who knows!"  

Praying today that you experience the peace, love, and provision of the God who sees you, the God who knows about the circumstances in your life, and the God who is able to move mountains. 

If you need a miracle, let me know and I'd love to pray with and for you! If you've experienced God's love or power, leave a comment and share your testimony!  

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