These quotes are what I've been pondering this last week as I've walked through my own personal "Easter Journey" and been reminded of my weakness, and God's Grace.

Jesus died so I could be made whole, live a life of fullness, receive forgiveness, and have peace. What hit me as I watched "The Passion" with a group of people on Good Friday was that Jesus didn't defend Himself. The people who mocked Him were right - He could have called down angel armies and been delivered. But He didn't.
He could have performed miracles and made everyone standing near "oohh" and "ahhh." But He didn't.
He didn't try to reason, didn't try to stand up for Himself. He knew the final Victory was His anyway! And now, raised back to life and seated at the right hand of God, He is interceding for us (Romans 8:34). We have a Defender! And if God is for us, who can be against us? He stands behind us and there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!
There are
days when I'm aware of my need for Him, my need for His grace, my need for healing. And
there are other days where my default seems to be trying to do things on my
own. Then I get frustrated, because I mess up, I'm not perfect, and I don't have answers.
("overflow with thanksgiving" - Colossians 2:7)
And, I'm discovering, the key to everything is simply being thankful.
God's Grace is there if I would just receive it and acknowledge Christ's sacrifice for me. He doesn't condemn my imperfection or judge me for my need! His Grace is simply sufficient.
This month I've begun Ann Voskamp's "Joy Dare" and have decided that every now and again here on my blog I will record my findings of discovering God in the ordinary and acknowledging His gifts.
Yesterday the challenge was "3 Gifts Surprisingly Found." My eyes wandered to the beautiful flower my husband brought home for me. "Just because" - my favorite :)
Later on I was trying to plan a meal and contemplating whether to make a trip to the bakery, in walks my father-in-law with a loaf of fresh bread for us! Surprise Gift #2!
And the day ended with a reminder of grace. As I serve my mother-in-law there are times when we disagree, times when I have to be stern, and times when she doesn't want to do what I ask her to, although it would aid in her healing. I was surprised that even her short-term memory loss can be a gift, in that after a little clash she quickly returns to being so forgiving, so trusting, and so open again.
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