Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thinking Inside the Box

Passing rows upon rows upon rows of houses...

Some made of brick, others with stone.
Expensive ones, falling apart ones.
Small ones, big ones.
Dream houses, and just-to-get-by houses.

Have you ever thought about it? These box-looking-things lining roads, and the number of hours we spend in them?

"There's no place like home..."

And what makes a home?

I'm back in Ontario this week, missing my hubby, but enjoying celebrating with two precious friends from Bible school who are marrying two equally awesome men, and pondering the mystery of two lives becoming one, two hearts joining together, and new homes being created.

Oh, the joy! And oh, the pain. For some, the concept of "home" entails sweet memories of family time together, fun, games, sharing, love, encouragement and growth. But for others, the idea of going "home" is a fearful thought, connected to memories of abuse, damaged relationships, negative role models, or broken dreams.

What incredible potential is contained between the walls of these boxes along the streets. If only we could peek into the windows, if only the walls could speak. What would they say?

I'm learning that a culture doesn't just happen; it needs to be created. The statistics are appalling - people spending more and more time burying themselves alive in work; higher divorce rates; more school drop-outs; less families eating meals together.

Maybe it's time for us to start "thinking INSIDE the box." How can we better invest into our families? How can we create a culture of love and trust? What if we put a bit more effort into relationships with our loved ones, and a bit less focus on work (even ministry) or pleasing others?

Proverbs 3:33 says "The Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous." The Lord's blessing is upon us, but it's up to us to put it into practice in our homes!

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