Thursday, August 30, 2012

Vision & Surrender

Today marks one year of my husband and I living in Germany! It's crazy to think of when we landed in Frankfurt on August 30, 2011, and consider how far the Lord has brought us since then - what we've experienced, the challenges we've faced, how we have grown and the ways God has used us. All with incredible blessings and lessons along the way! God is SO faithful...always.

As we were reflecting last night on what an adventure it's been, we were faced with the need to remind ourselves to continually surrender. God gave us a vision and has led us and provided for us, but oh how easy it is to take matters into our own hands!

"It makes a difference whether you were sent, or whether you just went..."
God gave us a clear vision of what our work and ministry here were to look like: "Bringing restoration to your family and my Glory to Germany," He said. And as we shared that vision with family, friends, and our church, we were supported on all sides and all the love, advice, encouragement, and prayers felt to us like fuel in our jet that was preparing for "take off." We didn't go on our own strength; we knew we were called, and we had people standing by us (thank you!)

And now we are here. It hasn't always been easy, but obedience isn't always comfortable. We have adjusted though, and are feeling quite at home. In fact, we thought that if God were to now tell us to move, even to the next village, that would be kind of hard for us! To leave our nice apartment that we've invested time and money into decorating so it's just our style? Our cozy fireplace? Our newly renovated kitchen? Our quiet neighborhood? But the key is that IT'S NOT "OURS." We need to live with open hands and intentionally acknowledge that it is God's house and God's time and God's ministry and God's marriage and His heart for our family members here is bigger than any love we have for them! It's HIS vision and HIS will.

It's easy to walk in excitement when God gives you a vision or reveals a next step, etc. But the key is to remain just as dependent on His Spirit, just as attentive to His Voice, and just as denying to yourself one month, one year, or 30 years later as you were during the time you were seeking His will in the first place. It's like Paul's tough exhortation to the Galatians: "Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" (3:3). Beware of becoming comfortable, becoming competent in your own strength, becoming apathetic. 

We serve a God who is all about relationship and he LOVES to communicate with us! He has a good plan and he doesn't mean for it to be difficult or mysterious to discover His will. It is easy - His word says, " If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5). When we're lacking wisdom or don't know the way, all we have to do is ask! But here's the key -  "When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does" (vs. 6-8). God is generous and freely gives out wisdom - without fault. He doesn't stand there thinking, "Come on, can't you figure this out on your own? Why are you so uncertain? Don't you get it?" He delights to give.  

But the key is this: I can't ask for wisdom yet still insist on doing it my way.

One of my pet peeves (spoiler alert: insight into our marriage!) is when my husband asks me about something, for example, "Hmm, should I eat cherry or strawberry yogurt today?" and then when I answer, he ends up doing the exact opposite. I suppose that's just because he's extroverted and needs to think aloud :-) But it makes me laugh every time and I always say, "Why do you ask if you're not gonna do what I suggest anyway?!"

Well, it works the same with God. We can't ask Him to direct our steps and then when He shows us the path we say, "Oh actually the other one looks more appealing." His plans are *always* good and even if we don't understand them, we have to be willing to obey. God doesn't like to reveal his heart if He can't trust us to live out what He speaks to us. comes back to surrender. In my life, it meant moving across the ocean to my husband's homeland and taking care of my sick mother-in-law. The Lord has given us the great blessing of getting involved with a discipleship center here as well. Obedience and the unfolding of the Lord's vision for your life will likely look different for you, but one thing is the same:

"The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it" 
(1 Thessalonians 5:24).

1 comment:

  1. SO TRUE! Thank you Kristyn. And thank you for listening to God's voice and going, you are an inspiration to so many!


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