Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vision & Hope

Vision. The Future. Unknowns. Possibilities.

It can be fun to think about the future, but I'm glad I don't know the future! I was reading through my journal from last year (where I recorded all the decisions, emotions, changes, experiences, etc. of moving to Germany) and boy was I surprised as I looked back at some of the things I went through! If I had known ahead of time what all was coming at me, I'm not sure obedience would have been so easy or appealing! But God's grace is always enough.

I came across an interesting article the other day which talked about knowing the future. It was in one of those celebrity gossip magazines that I usually avoid even looking at, but our elderly neighbor gave me a stack (what, they're not useful to her? =D ), so I flipped through them. One page captured me, on which I found this article written by a lady who for years had been going to see a therapist who was a fortune-teller/tarot card reader...

She explained how she first got into going to see the therapist because of her neighbor, a friend of hers who was very wrapped up in it and addicted to the advice and future-predicting messages. She decided one time to try it, and said as soon as she walked into the office she could tell the therapist knew every dark secret about her, and she got goosebumps just from the atmosphere. She ended up going to see this lady regularly, spending about 2.000 Euro every year...for 8 years.

She explained how her future was predicted. The therapist largely spoke negative things out, foreseeing bad things. First she was told there would be a financial breakdown coming, resulting from a job loss. The next step "on the path" to avoiding this circumstance was to book another appointment (of course costing more money) for the next card reading. But the cycle went on -- next it was divorce, and then an accident. Over time this lady realized how much she was getting caught up in manipulation, and how it was ruining her life.

Crazy, isn't it? I was really surprised to read her article and see her discernment (considering it was in a secular magazine). She may have been caught up in divination, but her spiritual senses were alive. God is the source of all Truth, and this lady recognized what was not truth! The author wrote that she finally realized what a mess the whole thing was, stopped seeing the therapist, and went on in life her own way, including marrying "the man of her dreams." She wrote how nice it was to, in her words, "finally be free."

What a stark example this is of the two kingdoms at war with one another: the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. The devil comes as a thief, whose plan is to "steal, kill, and destroy," but Jesus came "to give life, and life abundantly" (John 10:10).

I am so, so grateful that the future the Lord has prepared for me (and you!) is not one of darkness, of mishaps, of pain, of "bad luck." It is exactly the opposite! There is a verse Christians like to quote a lot and even though it was directed to the people of Israel I believe it is God's heart towards us today too:

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).

Interesting what it says a few verses earlier:  "Yes, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: 'Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have.'" The issue that this lady who wrote the article ran into is not a new one! Satan has been speaking out lies and deceiving people for generations. But notice that when we give into them, when we seek the advice of diviners, we "encourage them to dream." These diviners have power, yes. They are connected in a very real way to the spiritual world and when they speak things out, the can happen! But their power is not the result of the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, dwelling inside of them - it comes as the result of humans seeking after an experience, and some type of advice to help them cope with all the negative in their lives.

God's vision for us, on the other hand, is one of HOPE. Now hope doesn't mean that everything in our lives will be just peachy and run smoothly. The fact that persecution will come is actually a *promise* in the Bible! Just like, "I will be with you; do not be afraid; I will provide for you." Following Jesus isn't some type of blind faith, ignorant of reality and the suffering of this world. But the Holy Spirit NEVER manipulates, and His intention is always for our encouragement. Part of His role is also to bring conviction, which may not be comfortable, but sin is not the end of the story; healing and restoration and peace with God is.

As you consider the future and the vision that God has for you, be encouraged that it is one of HOPE!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kristyn,
    thank you for this post! Your honesty and humour are beautifully interwoven :) Thanks for sharing what you learned from this discarded stack of magazines, and for reminding us what life-giving promises the Lord has given us (even the tough ones)! I'm so glad He's with us through everything, leading us with encouragement and gentle correction.
    Thanks for writing, friend!


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